Since 1994 IRCLAMA organizes annual international conferences for scholars and experts of various profiles from all over the world: archaeologists, art historians, historians, architects, museologists, conservators, antique law experts, liturgists, philosophers, historians of literature, anthropologists, sociologists, etc. The topics of the annual conferences allow a wide range of possible approaches from different areas of study. The papers from the conferences are peer-reviewed and published in the annual Hortus Artium Medievalium scientific journal.
A great number of students always participate at the symposiums giving them a unique opportunity to establish first contacts with researchers from all over the world and in this way get insight into approaches and methods of scholarly research.
Previous IRCLAMA conference topics:
(click on the topics to open programs and books of abstracts)
IRCLAMA I, Motovun, 1994. The Transition Between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
IRCLAMA II, Motovun, 1995. Tradition and Innovation in the Late Middle Ages (13th – 15th century)
IRCLAMA III, Motovun, 1996. Carolingian and Ottonian Age
IRCLAMA IV, Motovun, 1997. Between East and West – from Iconoclastic Movement to Gothic Period
IRCLAMA V ,Motovun, 1998. Liturgical Installations from Late Antiquity to the Gothic Period
IRCLAMA VI, Motovun, 1999. Le siècle de l’an Mil
IRCLAMA VII, 2000. Acceptance or Rejection of Gothic
IRCLAMA VIII, Poreč – Split, 2001. Carolingian Europe
IRCLAMA IX, Poreč, 2002. L’édifice cultuel entre les périodes paléochrétienne et carolingienne
IRCLAMA X, Poreč, 2003. La représentation de la mort de l’antiquité tardive à la fin du moyen âge
IRCLAMA XI, Motovun, 2004. The Altar from the 4th to the 15th century
IRCLAMA XII, Motovun, 2005. The Town in the Middle Ages
IRCLAMA XIII, Motovun, 2006. Elites and Architectures in the Middle Ages
IRCLAMA XIV, Motovun, 2007. Rural Churches in Transformation and the Creation of Medieval Landscape
IRCLAMA XV, 2008. Le Sanctuaire et ses aménagements
IRCLAMA XVI, Motovun, 2009. Renaissances Médiévales
IRCLAMA XVII, 2010. Spolia in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages – Ideology, Aesthetics and Artistic Practice
IRCLAMA XVIII, 2011. 1. Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae / 2. Mausolées et églises, IVe-VIIIe siècle
IRCLAMA XIX, 2012. Le monachisme insulaire du IVe à la fin du XIe siècle
IRCLAMA XX, Poreč, 2013. Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Europe: 20 Years of Research
IRCLAMA XXI, Poreč, 2014. Performing Power Through Visual Narrativity in Late Medieval Europe: an Interdisciplinary Approach
IRCLAMA XXII, Poreč, 2015. Mobility of Artists, Transfer of Forms, Functions, Works of Art and Ideas in Medieval Mediterranean Europe: the Role of Ports
IRCLAMA XXIII, Zadar, 2016. Living and Dying in the Cloister. Monastic Life from the 5th to the 11th Century
IRCLAMA XXIV, Pula, 2017. CARE (Corpus Architecturae Religiosae Europae, IV-X saec.) – Meaning and Use of Corpora
IRCLAMA XXV, Poreč, 2018. A quarter of a century of history of medieval art in Europe, between two centuries: the critical approaches crossed
IRCLAMA XXVI, Poreč, 2019. Luminosa saecla / The Luminous Centuries. Lighting Systems in Churches Between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
IRCLAMA XXVII, Rab, 2020. Liturgical Installations and Their Sculpture (4-15 c.)
IRCLAMA XXVIII, Rab, 2021. Medieval Humanisms, Medieval Renaissances – Do They Exist and How are They Manifested Between Antiquity and the Renaissance
IRCLAMA XXXI, Poreč 2024. Living on the Borders, Travelling, Transfer of Forms and Ideas, 4th-14th Centuries (In Honor of the 700th Anniversary of Marco Polo’s Death)